A4000 Upgrade Options

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Commodore Amiga A4000
Commodore Amiga A4000
Commodore Amiga A4000T Tower
Commodore Amiga A4000T Tower
Escom Amiga A4000T Towner
Escom Amiga A4000T Towner


A4000 and A4000T

Expansion Ports

Custom Upgrades

  • Accelerators

Other Upgrades

Also usable on the A4000 is most Amiga hardware that can be connected via the RBG Video, Joystick, Floppy drive, Parallel or serial ports of the Amiga as the A1000 shares exactly the same ports as all other models of Amiga. These ports were often used to connect external floppy disk drives, sound samplers, video digitisers, scanners, midi devices, printers... etc.

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